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Cancer Caregiver Support Coaching in South Florida

Holistic Health Cancer and Caregiver Support Coaching Services

Take Charge of Your Physical & Emotional Health

Individualized Programs
Offering 3, 6, & 12 week Individualized Programs designed to help anyone who is a Cancer Patient
or a Caregiver who is feeling burned out from putting everyone else first.

Reclaim Your Health and Energy!

Divine Love Institute - Wellness workshops in South Florida

Live Your Healthiest and Happiest Life!
Begin your personalized program now and receive:

  • Setting and accomplishing health goals
  • Receiving the right support and accountability
  • Set up conditions for inevitable success
  • Turn healthy habits into behaviors that last
  • Education through lifestyle training
  • A supportive environment while we explore what really works

Experience a Day at Nancy’s Home!

Divine Love Institute - holistic cancer caregiver support in South Florida
  • Learn which food gives you energy and which food takes away your energy
  • Receive access to Nancy's Amazing Resource Library
  • Receive Your Individualized recipes
  • Hands on Prepping and Preparing healthy foods picked just for You
  • Learn how to take Back Your Physical Health and Energy!
  • Learn how food can become YOUR Medicine” for Ultimate Health

It’s All About You!

We each have many layers that need to be addressed to bring us back to our natural state of being. This program provides education through diet, lifestyle, stress management and immune-boosting approaches, bringing you peace, health and harmony!

When was the last time you talked with someone about your health and received the personal attention you deserve?
Schedule a Complimentary Breakthrough Session. . .

  • Uncover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the energy & health you want
  • Develop a powerful vision for what creating amazing health will mean for you and your life
  • Discover which foods and lifestyle habits are sapping your energy…and what to do about it
  • Get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan
  • Imagine what your life would be like if you had renewed health, energy, and excitement Everyday!

What H.O.P.E. Patient Concierge Services (of Hollywood, FL) says:

"Nancy is just wonderful! I got to experience personally her services. Her services are a much needed, totally essential service, especially during a time where every one has been affected in some way.
Our network of doctors/specialists can deal with the science, however there is so much to us humans, we need to be treated in a whole way — the mental, spiritual (even if you are not all in for it) and physical. Nancy and Divine Love is definitely the place to receive this type of healing. The great thing is that they totally get the science of it all as well. I highly recommend to my clients, caretakers — as they especially need the healing from inside out."

About Nancy Livingston

Certified Holistic Health, Cancer Caregiver Support Coach Nancy Livingston

Nancy Livingston
Certified Holistic Health and
Cancer/Caregiver Support Coach
and Holistic Chef

Nancy is a Certified Cancer & Caregiver Support Coach from BeatCancer.org, Certified Health & Life Coach from HCI and IIN , Certified in Plant Based Nutrition from eCornell with Dr. T. Colin Campbell, is a past personal chef with a National Recipe and Menu Consulting Program, A Reiki Master Teacher (Eastern & Western Lineage), an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master-Instructor, Consulting Hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner, NAHA Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, and a Minister through Alliance of Divine Love. She is also the originator of the Angelic Pathway Process®

Contact Nancy now to schedule a Complimentary Breakthrough Session and discuss options for your own Individualized Program.

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