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Holistic and Spiritual workshops and classes.
Akashic, Reiki and spiritual certifications and classes

Energy Healing Classes. Holistic Healing Certifications.

We love to teach! We love to teach in joy and with love and gratitude. We, Nancy and Nancy also feel that each one of us has the ability to heal and empower ourselves with knowledge. When we opened Divine Love Institute™ our classes became a major focus of our daily flow. With each new class that we teach, we discover many "Aha" moments that never fail to amaze us. And, so with each class that we teach, we also have become The Student.

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Come and join us in Spiritual Discovery. Below is a list of some of the classes that we provide:

Each week at Divine Love Institute™ you are welcome to join us in our:

If you have any questions about our Classes and Certifications, please call us at (954) 920-0050 or contact online today.

Empower yourself with Divine Love

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