What to Do to Prevent Diabetes. Holistic Help to Prevent Diabetes
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Diabetes can be challenging to live with: you must monitor your blood sugar before meals, watch what you eat, and take one or more medications throughout the day. You might worry about the possible complications of diabetes and might feel like your disease is beyond your control.
As an AADP Certified Health Coach, I will partner with you so you can learn what to do to prevent diabetes if you are at risk. Additionally, I can help you take back your life and teach you how to effectively manage your illness if you have already developed the disease.
My coaching style is fun and flexible and functions around your needs and the adjustments you wish to make. Together, you and I will create a personalized and sustainable plan consisting of vital, yet easy, changes that will work with your current diabetes regimen and may reduce or even eliminate the need for treatment for those at risk of developing diabetes!
As a team, you and I will collaborate to:
- Learn what to do to prevent diabetes if you are at risk
- Help you find the healthiest ways to eat since certain foods can help with diabetes management while others
hinder effective disease control - Make simple changes in lifestyle that will reap big rewards in health
- Reduce your A1C levels so you can decrease or eliminate your diabetes medications
- Lessen or eliminate the complications of diabetes
- Make it easy for you to learn and practice effective stress management techniques so you can lessen the effects of diabetes problems
Because obesity plays a role in diabetes, weight management and exercise also play a big part in managing your disease. Additionally, diabetes and obesity dramatically contribute to cardiovascular disease, stroke, and to increases in certain types of cancer. As an AADP Certified Health Coach, I have been trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and have studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods, so I can offer you the most effective and innovative approaches to help you keep these complication at bay.
Take the first step in reaching your wellness goals today and learn how a supportive and compassionate health coach can help you fight your disease! For more information about what to do to prevent diabetes, or to learn about my support groups or individual diabetes management plans, please call Nancy Livingston, CHC at (954) 920-0050!

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